Autor: Eben Ezer Debora A M Purba, Doaris Ingrid Marbun, Adriansyah Lubis, Panusunan Simatupang, Netty Herawati
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Research Publications. 88
ISSN: 2708-3578
Popis: Background: Sexual violence against women is any attack of a sexual nature against women, whether sexual intercourse has occurred or not, and regardless of the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. The types of sexual violence that can occur are sexual violence and sexual harassment. Statistically, the number of cases of sexual violence continues to increase in the world and in Indonesia. Method: This research is a cross sectional study with total sampling method. Data collection was carried out using secondary data, namely all data on women who were examined at the Forensic and Medicolegal Installation of Langsa Hospital on Victims who experienced Sexual Violence in 2019 - 2020 and the data listed variables that matched the variables to be studied based on age, occupation, status marriage, the relationship of the victim with the perpetrator and the type of sexual violence. Conclusion: The results showed that there were 35 cases of sexual violence against women examined at Langsa Hospital in 2019 to 2020. This number of cases increased from 2019 as many as 13 victims to 22 victims in 2020. The number of cases of sexual violence against women by age, the highest were in the adolescent age group awa1 2-16 years as many as 20 victims with a percentage of 57.14%. The lowest number of cases was in the age group > 36 years (late adult age, early elderly, late elderly and elderly age group) as many as 0 victims, who experienced cases of sexual violence based on work, the highest was students with 31 victims, with a percentage of 88.57 % while the lowest number of cases was not working as many as 4 victims with a percentage of 11.43%. The number of women who experienced cases of sexual violence based on marital status, as many as 35 victims, namely with unmarried marital status, with a percentage of 100%. The number of women who experienced cases of sexual violence based on the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator, the highest as many as 34 victims were people who were known to the victim with a percentage of 97.14%, and the lowest as many as 1 victim was a person who was not known to the victim with a percentage of 2.86%. cases of sexual violence based on the type of sexual violence, the highest was in cases of sexual harassment as many as 22 victims with a percentage of 62.86% and the lowest was incases of rape as many as 3 victims with a percentage of 8.57%
Databáze: OpenAIRE