Hubungan Derajat Penyakit Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pasien Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Di Komunitas Odapus Lampung

Autor: Festy Ladyani Mustofa, Fitra Editama
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal. 1:461-470
ISSN: 2746-3486
DOI: 10.33024/mahesa.v1i4.3992
Popis: ABSTRACT: RELATIONSHIP OF SLEEP DISEASE TO SLEEP QUALITY OF SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOUS PATIENTS IN ODAPUS COMMUNITY LAMPUNGBackground: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a disease that attacks the immune system that has no known cause and which can damage various organs of the human body. The clinical symptoms of SLE patients depend largely on the area of the organs involved. Symptoms of SLE are classified into three degrees, namely mild, moderate, and severe. Based on the evaluation of SLE disease activity, patients with SLE may experience sleep disturbances. So the authors conducted a study examining the relationship between degrees of disease and sleep quality. Objective: To determine the relationship between the degree of disease and the sleep quality ofpatients systemic lupus erythematosus in the ODAPUS community in Lampung 2020. Research Methods: this type of research is an observational analytic study with primary data using a questionnaire with aapproach cross-sectional. The sample of this study was all 40 patients who joined the ODAPUS community in Lampung. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis using tables in data presentation. Results: From the results of the bivariate analysis, it is known that there is a significant relationship between the degree of disease and the sleep quality ofpatients systemic lupus erythematosus in the ODAPUS Lampung 2020 community. This is evidenced by thetest Chi Square with a P value of 0.008 with (α) = 5% then P
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