Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever in Argentina

Autor: Mettler N, Greenway Dj, Rugiero Hr, Frigerio Mj, Parodi As, J. M. de la Barrera, L. B. de Guerrero, Garzon F, Nota Nr, Rivero E, Boxaca Mc
Rok vydání: 1959
Zdroj: Public Health Reports (1896-1970). 74:1011
ISSN: 0094-6214
Popis: A DISEASE of unknown etiology appeared a few years ago in the northwestern part of the Province of Buenos Aires. The clinical aspects were first described by Arribalzaga (1) and later by Duva (2), who suggested that it may be of leptospiral origin. The disease appeared again in 1958, and in May of that year we went to the city of Junin to study its clinical and etiological features. This study was the first to provide evidence of the virological nature of the causative agent (3). Later, Margni and co-workers, on the basis of little evidence, presented the opinion that poisoning by dieldrin, aldrin, or other products, might be an auxiliary factor (4). At a special meeting held in the University of Buenos Aires on December 19, 1958, we presented a full report of our work with the disease, defining it as new in Argentina and giving additional evidence of its virus etiology (5,6). This work has since been confirmed by other investigators (7). The clinical descriptions, which we had previously published, were recently confirmed by studies of the disease produced by inoculation of human volunteers. This research was conducted by two groups, working independently, and their reports appeared at about the same time (7,8).
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