Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey and Subsurface Testing for Proposed Electric Tie Circuit, Bellows Air Force Station, Waimanalo, Koolaupoko District, Island of Oahu, Hawaii

Autor: Kanalei Shun
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1992
DOI: 10.48512/xcv8320253
Popis: A program of archaeological reconnaissance survey and test excavations was undertaken in conjunction with the Bellows Air Force Station Electric Tie Circuit Project. Twenty-two test units and 5 stratigraphic pits were excavated along the corridor of the project area. Intact subsurface cultural deposits were located in two areas south of Waimanalo Stream. One of the cultural deposits was radiocarbon dated to A.D. 1395-1510. The corridor along the north side of the stream showed massive landscaping disturbances with the likelihood that any prehistoric deposits in this area would have been completely truncated. Future projects on the south side of the stream should definitely be carefully monitored archaeologically.
Databáze: OpenAIRE