KIa Crack Arrest Toughness Assessment Using Thermal Shock on Notched Disks

Autor: Me´jido Hajjaj, Ste´phane Bugat, Clotilde Berdin, Philippe Bompard
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: RPV Integrity and Fracture Mechanics.
DOI: 10.1115/pvp2004-2725
Popis: The aim of the study is to validate the KIa -T curve on a thermal shock experiment performed on a notched disk (DTSE) taken from a A533-B type steel. Several experiments have been performed. Non linear thermal analyses were carried out using the finite element method in order to obtain the full thermal field within the specimen during crack propagation. The results obtained are in excellent agreement with the experimental results. The DTSE is also interpretated in static terms to compare the obtained KIa (T) values with the limit curve. Finally, dynamic F.E. simulations allow to estimate the influence of dynamic effects in the DTSE and thus validate the methodology. According to the computations, the crack arrested when dK/da>0 and dKd /da = 0. The comparison between stress intensity factor computed from elastic-static analysis (or dynamic) and RCC-M code demonstrated the conservatism of the approach. Then static analysis is sufficient to analyse the result, since no wave interference with the crack propagation was identified.Copyright © 2004 by ASME
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