16 : un hi��roglyphe de Panurge ?

Autor: Menini, Romain
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-12943-1.p.0435
Popis: Deux ��pisodes diff��rents de la fiction pantagru��line montrent que Rabelais a jou�� avec le nombre 16, symbole du plaisir selon l���auteur pr��sum�� des Hieroglyphica. �� croire que, comme leur cr��ateur (qui poss��da un exemplaire de l���ouvrage), Panurge et fr��re Jean avaient lu Horapollon.
Two different episodes from the Pantagruelian narrative show that Rabelais played with the number sixteen, symbol of pleasure according to the presumed author of the Hieroglyphica. It seems that, like their creator (who owned a copy of the book), Panurge and Brother Jean had read Horapollo.
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