Planarization coating for polyimide substrates used in roll-to-roll fabrication of active matrix backplanes for flexible displays

Autor: Robert A. Garcia, Mehrban Jam, Jason Hauschildt, Edward Holland, John Maltabes, Frank Jeffrey, Hao Luo, Alejandro de la Fuente Vornbrock, Steve Trovinger, Ohseung Kwon, Dan Stieler, Carl Taussig, Steve Braymen, Albert Jeans, Han-Jun Kim, Warren B. Jackson, Ping Mei, Don Larson, Kelly Junge, Marcia Almanza-Workman, Mark T. Smith, Lihua Zhao, Richard E. Elder, Craig Perlov
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Alternative Lithographic Technologies IV.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: Good surface quality of plastic substrates is essential to reduce pixel defects during roll-to-roll fabrication of flexible display active matrix backplanes. Standard polyimide substrates have a high density of "bumps" from fillers and belt marks and other defects from dust and surface scratching. Some of these defects could be the source of shunts in dielectrics. The gate dielectric must prevent shorts between the source/drain and the gate in the transistors, resist shorts in the hold capacitor and stop shorts in the data/gate line crossovers in active matrix backplanes fabricated by self-aligned imprint lithography (SAIL) roll-to-roll processes. Otherwise data and gate lines will become shorted creating line or pixel defects. In this paper, we discuss the development of a proprietary UV curable planarization material that can be coated by roll-to-roll processes. This material was engineered to have low shrinkage, excellent adhesion to polyimide, high dry etch resistance, and great chemical and thermal stability. Results from PECVD deposition of an amorphous silicon stack on the planarized polyimide and compatibility with roll-to-roll processes to fabricate active matrix backplanes are also discussed. The effect of the planarization on defects in the stack, shunts in the dielectric and curvature of finished arrays will also be described.
Databáze: OpenAIRE