Autor: Maria Sylvia de Souza Vitalle, Aline Bitencourt Monge, Marcos Vinicius Mota
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Revista Educa��o - UNG-Ser. 15:34
ISSN: 1980-6469
DOI: 10.33947/1980-6469-v15n1-4005
Popis: EnglishThis article is the result of an empirical, qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, in which we aim at the appropriation of the knowledge, attitudes and opinions of adolescents about trolling and the scorn against obesity in the virtual world, as well as explore the limits between play and cyberbullying. We built a profile on Facebook to absorb the dynamics of the platform, establishing contact without significant public interactions with posts understood as humor, and pages that sponsored laughter-oriented social networking sites, including those associated with the trollar expression and meme. We also conducted eight semi-structured interviews with adolescents, aged between 17 and 19 years. The transcribed speeches and Facebook postings were analyzed from the Bardin Content Analysis perspective. The results indicate that, for adolescents interviewed, the bonds of friendship represent permission for comments and actions that related to strangers and outside the affective circle, would be considered violence. We realize that when publications are based on prejudice and discrimination their replication causes such action to reach a collective represented in the image, video or comment. Therefore, if it is a case of cyberbullying, its power will reach subjects beyond the initial target portuguesEste artigo e resultado de uma pesquisa empirica, qualitativa, exploratoria e descritiva, onde objetivamos a apropriacao dos conhecimentos, atitudes e opinioes de adolescentes sobre trollagens e o escarnio contra a obesidade no mundo virtual, assim como exploramos os limites entre a brincadeira e o cyberbullying. Construimos um perfil no Facebook para absorver as dinâmicas da plataforma, estabelecendo contato sem interacoes publicas significativas com as postagens entendidas como de humor, e paginas que patrocinavam publicacoes voltadas ao riso na rede social, incluindo as com nomes associados a expressao trollar e meme. Realizamos tambem oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com adolescentes, com idade entre 17 e 19 anos. As falas transcritas e as postagens no Facebook foram analisadas pela perspectiva da Analise de Conteudo, de Bardin. Os resultados indicam que, para os adolescentes entrevistados, os vinculos de amizade representam permissao para comentarios e acoes que relacionadas a estranhos e fora do circulo afetivo, seriam consideradas violencia. Percebemos que quando as publicacoes sao baseadas em preconceitos e discriminacoes sua replicacao faz com que tal acao atinja um coletivo representado na imagem, video ou comentario. De forma que, se for um caso de cyberbullying, sua potencia atingira sujeitos para alem do alvo inicial.
Databáze: OpenAIRE