Study of Dielectric Effect on Signal Propagation in the Gigahertz Range at Elevated Temperature

Autor: A. S. Zhumabaeva, I. I. Kochegarov, A. K. Grishko, Nikolay Yurkov, P. G. Andreev
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 Wave Electronics and its Application in Information and Telecommunication Systems (WECONF).
Popis: To solve problems of high-frequency signal propagation in directional structures at constant exposure to elevated temperature is an urgent task. The main objective of the proposed paper is to study the effect of dielectric, based on epoxy resins, on signal propagation in the gigahertz range at elevated temperatures. This is possible using mathematical modeling that adequately reflects an actual physical process, taking into account not only the geometric dimensions of the signal transmission line, but also such parameters, as: edge effects; effective dielectric permittivity and glass transition temperature of the dielectric propagation medium; the effect of elevated temperature on the dielectric. Issues of epoxy resin-based dielectric effect on the speed of signal propagation via flat transmission lines under the influence of high temperature are investigated by means of mathematical modeling. The research results allow assessing temperature influence on the speed and delay of signal propagation via transmission lines based on dielectrics, which affects the characteristics and reliability of the operated information and communication devices and systems.
Databáze: OpenAIRE