Self-Efficacy Toward Service, Civic Participation and the Business Student: Scale Development and Validation

Autor: Paula S. Weber, James E. Weber, Ken C. Schneider, Bradley J. Sleeper
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of Business Ethics. 49:359-369
ISSN: 0167-4544
Popis: This paper presents the development andvalidation of new measurement tools to exploreself-efficacy toward service and toward civicparticipation. We developed and administereda survey to 851 students in an AACSB-accreditedcollege of business at a comprehensive publicuniversity located in the Midwest. Traditionalscale development methodologies plusconfirmatory factor analysis and simultaneousfactor analysis in several populations wereused to analyze both a primary sample and aholdback sample. Results strongly support thevalidity and reliability of the surveyinstrument. Future use for the instrumentincludes verification of the effectiveness ofpedagogies designed to increase self-efficacytoward service and motivation for civicparticipation in business students.
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