Synaptus iranicus Jarzabek-M��ller, Morini��re, Varandi & M��ller, 2017, sp. nov

Autor: Jarzabek-M��ller, Andrea, Morini��re, J��r��me, Varandi, Hassan Barimani, M��ller, J��rg
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6041622
Popis: Synaptus iranicus sp. nov. Figures 1 ���4, 6, 8 Description: Male. (Fig. 1). Length: 10.3���11.4 mm (holotype 10.3 mm); width: 2.5���2.8 mm (holotype 2.5 mm). Body flattened, slender (Fig. 4). General colour of body brown, faintly shining; head and pronotum slightly darker, anterior margin and hind angles of pronotum slightly lighter. Body covered with fine and regular, moderately dense yellow pubescence. Head. Moderately convex; with long pale yellow pubescence; punctures coarse and slightly larger and denser than on pronotum. Antennae exceeding by 1.5 articles the apices of prosterior angles of pronotum; second and third segment subcylindrical and of equal length, taken together 1.3x longer than fourth; fourth-tenth segments slightly subtriangular, on average 2.2x longer than wide. Thorax. Pronotum minimally wider than long (length: 2.2���2.3 mm; width: 2.3���2.5 mm), widest at prosterior angles; disc flattened, along midline with a distinct smooth line; sides of pronotum subparallel from base to anterior third, posterior angles sharp, weakly divergent with carina subparallel to lateral margins; punctures dense, intervals between punctures equal to diameter of puncture or slightly smaller; punctuation on disc sparser, intervals between punctures noticeably larger than diameter of punctures. Propleuron as well as pronotum punctate; punctation of prosternum sparse, interstices longer than their diameter. Elytra 3.4���3.5x longer than pronotum; disc distinctly flattened, sides parallel from base to middle, then gradually tapering to apex; elytral striae with fine punctures, intervals flat, with fine and sparse punctures, with large and deep punctures apically; slightly shining. Abdomen. Puncture less dense than on metasternum, interstices longer than their diameter. Legs. Third tarsal joint with long and broad lamella beneath; fourth tarsal joint small, extending past inferior lobe of third; lamella extends up to half of the fifth joint. Claws pectinate. Male genitalia. Aedeagus as in Fig. 6 (length: 1.4���1.5 mm). Median lobe slender (0.82x) and longer (1.1x) than parameres; apex of parameres arcuate. Female. (Fig. 3). Length: 10.2 mm; width: 2.5 mm. Body light brown. Pronotum slightly wider than long (length: 2.2 mm; width: 2.3 mm). Elytra 3.3x longer than pronotum. Antennae exceeding by 1 articles the apices of prosterior angles of pronotum. Similar to male in all other features. Female genitalia. Bursa copulatrix as in Fig. 8 a, b. Sclerotized plates asymmetric: first plate (a) elongated with subparallel sides, narrowed at anterior third (length: 1.7 mm; width: 0.4 mm) and second plate (b) drop-shaped (length: 1.4 mm; width: 0.6 mm); plates covered with small teeth. Type material: Holotype ♂ ��� Iran: Mazandaran, Dasht e Naz Wildlife Refuge (N 36��42'5.31" E 53��12'10.05"), V.2015, leg. Hassan Varandi Barimani, coll. AJMR. Paratypes (1♂, 1 ♀) same data as holotype. Etymology: The name is derived from Iran, the country where the species was collected. Distribution: Mazandaran, Iran.
Published as part of Jarzabek-M��ller, Andrea, Morini��re, J��r��me, Varandi, Hassan Barimani & M��ller, J��rg, 2017, Synaptus iranicus sp. nov., a second species of the genus Synaptus Eschscholtz, 1829 from Iran (Coleoptera: Elateridae) discovered by an integrative approach, pp. 568-574 in Zootaxa 4232 (4) on pages 569-571, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.4.6,
Databáze: OpenAIRE