A guide to patterns of regional economic resilience

Autor: Ameeta Jain, Karim K. Mardaneh, Jerry Courvisanos
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Handbook on Regional Economic Resilience ISBN: 9781785360862
DOI: 10.4337/9781785360862.00014
Popis: This chapter develops an innovation–transition conception of resilience that implies having the adaptive capacity to thrive in changed, but uncertain, economic environments; or ‘resilience to disruptive events’. The chapter then utilises this thinking to explore how to quantitatively identify resilience patterns across types of regions and to thus provide a guide to practical pathways for transition. The chapter concludes on the important role that heterodox economics provides as a critique of equilibrium approaches to concepts like resilience and as the basis for a more realist approach to addressing sustainability under crises.
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