Laboratory Colonization of Anopheles aquasalis (Diptera: Culicidae) in Belém, Pará, Brazil

Autor: Jan E. Conn, Edvaldo Santa Rosa, Deocleciano Galiza, Marinete Marins Póvoa, Raimundo Tadeu Lessa de Souza, Ana de Nazaré Martins da Silva, Raimundo Nonato da Luz Lacerda, Izis Mônica Carvalho Sucupira, Carla Christiani Bastos dos Santos
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Medical Entomology. 43:107-109
ISSN: 0022-2585
Popis: Anopheles aquasalis Curry, a coastal malaria vector with a Neotropical distribution, was collected from Belem, Parastate, Brazil, and 500 adults per cage were maintained at the Instituto Evandro Chagas insectary at 26 Ð30C and 80 Ð90% RH, where they fed on a 10% domestic sugar solution and blood from white mice. Oviposition of the parental generation (P) occurred in fresh water in dark cups introduced into mosquito cages. After eclosion, 100 larvae per pan were reared in artesian well water (salinity 0.04 g liter 1 ) and fed ground Þsh food until pupation. After force mating in the F1 generation, the eight subsequent generations were free mating. Mean larval mortality was 1%, and the mean developmental time from eclosion to emergence was 7.7 d (F1), 7.6 d (F2 ), 8d( F 3), and 7.5 d( F4). The maximum daily production of pupae (from the fourth generation on) occurred on day 6 postoviposition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE