The advanced photon source injector test stand: phase two

Autor: T. Barsz, A.E. Grelick, D.A. Briddick, S. Berg, G. Goeppner, M. Martens, W. Jansma, A. Lopez, John W. Lewellen, S. Wesling, W. Michalek, M. Given
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2003 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37440).
Popis: The high-power S-band feed subsystem and the versatile method of beamline construction have been combined to provide for further testing of a unique gun that incorporates three cavities and requires three separate S-band feeds. Completed in December 2002, this configuration of the injector test stand is intended to investigate performance of the ballistic bunch compression gun [J.W. Lewellen and S.V. Milton, "Preliminary Calculations of Ballistic Bunch Comrpession with Thermionic Cathode RF Guns", PRoc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng (Coherent Electron Beam X-Ray Sources: TEchniques and Applications) Vol. 3154, pp. 162-171(1997)]. If this gun proves to be desirable for injection at the APS, then the ballistic bunch compression gun together with the S-band feed subsystem and portions of the beamline will be relocated in the APS linac tunnel.
Databáze: OpenAIRE