Seasonal Migration Behaviors and Distribution of Adult Pacific Lampreys in Unimpounded Reaches of the Snake River Basin

Autor: Christopher A. Peery, Christopher C. Caudill, Brian J. McIlraith, Matthew L. Keefer, Brian P. Kennedy
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 35:123-134
ISSN: 1548-8675
DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2014.986344
Popis: Complex life histories render anadromous fishes particularly susceptible to environmental and anthropogenic change. Adult Pacific Lampreys Entosphenus tridentatus migrating in the Columbia River and its tributaries must ascend a series of dams to reach interior spawning sites. While considerable research has focused on improving dam passage for lampreys, little is known about adult Pacific Lamprey behavior and distribution patterns within free-flowing environments, particularly within the interior portions of their distribution. In this 3-year study, we monitored the movements of 146 adult Pacific Lampreys in the Snake River and its tributaries upstream from Lower Granite Dam, the eighth dam from the Pacific Ocean. Our objectives were to characterize migration and test several hypotheses about adult upstream movement after dam passage. A majority of radio-tagged adults, released above Lower Granite Dam, migrated upstream after release and many moved hundreds of kilometers upstream into Snake River...
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