Correlation of the MMG Signal during the Manual Test of Shoulder Muscle Strength in Subjects with and without Spinal Cord Injury

Autor: Guilherme Nunes Nogueira-Neto, Maria de Fátima Fernandes Vara, E. L. dos Santos, Maira Ranciaro, Percy Nohama
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/ Pan American Health Care Exchanges (GMEPE/PAHCE).
Popis: Spinal cord injury (SCI) can lead to a decrease or loss of motor and/or sensory function depending on the level of the injury. In the case of tetraplegia, the Daniels Manual Scale is used for functional classification. However, this classification depends on the professional to assess whether other muscles in the body are compensated. The use of other technologies is, therefore, important in order to support this classification process. The mechanomyography (MMG) detects vibrations on the muscle to which the sensor is placed. This study aims to correlate MMG signals of 3 healthy (NI) and 3 SCI (WI) persons during muscle strength assessment and manual testing. Both MMG and shoulder sensor (deltoid and supraspinatus) signals were acquired at 1 kHz during a force evaluation. This evaluation task consisted in the movement of shoulder abduction, with and without elbow flexion, with and without resistance. The RMS of each axis, the resultant of the three axes and the mean for each volunteer were calculated and compared. MMG RMS of NI group was 0.1876 mV and 0.1585 mV on the right side and without external resistance, and WI group showed 0.1344 mV and 0.1447 mV in the deltoid and supraspinatus muscles, respectively. With external resistance, NI group presented 0.2128 mV and 0.2193 mV and the WI people, 0.1825 mV and 0.1478 mV (deltoid and supraspinal). On the left side, without resistance, NI people showed 0.1326 mV and 0.1464 mV, while the WI group 0.2181 mV and 0.1310 mV, respectively. With resistance, the values were 0.1656 mV and 0.2184 mV for the NI group and 0.1776 mV and 0.1576 mV for the WI group (deltoid and supraspinal, respectively). The temporal analyses of MMM RMS of the shoulder abductor did not present a significant difference when comparing NI and WI, but WI people presented lower values.
Databáze: OpenAIRE