Exploring Epistemological Features Presented in Texts of Exhibit Panels in the Science Museum

Autor: Kwang-Hoon Chung, Hyun-Sook Choi, Myeong-Kyeong Shin, Kang-Hwan Lee, Chui-Im Choi, Sung-Keun Son, Jeong-Gu Lee, Sun-Ja Kim, Man-Sun Yu, Sun-Kyung Lee, Doo-Sung Baek, Gyu-Ho Lee
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of the Korean earth science society. 32:124-139
ISSN: 1225-6692
DOI: 10.5467/jkess.2011.32.1.124
Popis: This study was to explore epistemological features presented in texts of exhibit panels in the science museum located in Gyeonggi Province. Out-of-school or daily experiences allow more properly and potentially students to form informative science image, because the understandings of scientific epistemology were constructed tacitly through various experiences over a long period of time. The target for this study was panel texts of exhibits in a science museum as an of out-of-school context. The analytical framework was adopted from epistemological frameworks by Ryder et al. (1999). The research results were explored in the categories of relationship between scientific knowledge claims and the data, the nature of lines of scientific enquiry, and social dimension of science. It revealed that one exhibit might reflect the characteristics of one epistemological position: relating one data to one knowledge claim; generating knowledge claim from scientists` individual interests or from discipline`s internal epistemology; scientists working as a community or an institution. Findings suggested that the exhibits of a science museum including panel texts and medium need to reflect the wide ranges of scientific epistemology.
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