Tecnologías tradicionales y emergentes al servicio del prácticum en el grado de educación primaria: una propuesta de intervención educativa / Emerging and traditional technologies at the service of practicum in primary education grade

Autor: María Beatriz Páramo Iglesias, María del Camino Pereiro González
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Tendencias Pedagógicas. 28
ISSN: 1989-8614
DOI: 10.15366/tp2016.28.007
Popis: In these pages we present an intervention proposal for the practicum in the Primary Education Grade, which aim is the use of learning and knowledge technology (TAC) in order to promote new and innovative treatment of traditional resources, like radio and photography to establish an emerging and comprehensive treatment in support of a quality, innovative and inclusive educational processes. Furthermore, our start point is, in one hand, the importance of establishing quality practicum proposed, and adapted to current training needs; on the other hand the appropriate use of technology, particularly in emerging; and finally the relevance of an active and collective agreement. Thus, it would seem appropriate to give the practicum students learning tasks to know how to design a meaningful educational process, and reality and context of each school would be taken as the starting point by them. From these premises, in the following lines we present a theoretical framework that protects this need, and some information about vertebrate resources of this practicum proposal: photography and radio; through an active and cooperative methodology and revitalizing agents involved in it. Our intention is to provide appropriate mechanisms for the organizational structure of the practicum, in order to make it easily adaptable to different realities and have a significant social impact on their teacher development.
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