Indirect study of 19Ne states near the threshold

Autor: N. de Séréville, B. Bouzid, Marc Loiselet, Jürgen Kiener, Carmen Angulo, Vincent Tatischeff, A. Coc, Michel Gaelens, P. Figuera, F. de Oliveira Santos, Guido Ryckewaert, Daniel Labar, Alain Ninane, S. Fortier, S. Ouichaoui, P. Demaret, Marlete Assunção, S. Cherubini, F. Hammache, Pierre Leleux, E. Berthoumieux, D. Beaumel, N. Smirnova, Manoel Couder, A. Lefebvre-Schuhl
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Nuclear Physics A. 791:251-266
ISSN: 0375-9474
Popis: The early E ⩽ 511 keV gamma-ray emission from novae depends critically on the F 18 ( p , α ) O 15 reaction. Unfortunately the reaction rate of the F 18 ( p , α ) O 15 reaction is still largely uncertain due to the unknown strengths of low-lying proton resonances near the F 18 + p threshold which play an important role in the nova temperature regime. We report here our last results concerning the study of the d ( F 18 , p ) F 19 ( α ) N 15 transfer reaction. We show in particular that these two low-lying resonances cannot be neglected. These results are then used to perform a careful study of the remaining uncertainties associated to the F 18 ( p , α ) O 15 and F 18 ( p , γ ) Ne 19 reaction rates.
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