Topological spin-orbitronics (Conference Presentation)

Autor: Karim Bouzehouane, Noah Van Horne, Amina Taleb-Ibrahimi, C. Vergnaud, Markus Weigand, Karin Garcia, Yu Fu, Laurent Vila, Vincent Cros, Constance Moreau-Luchaire, Jörg Raabe, Simón Oyarzún, Patrick Le Fèvre, Juan-Carlos Rojas-Sánchez, Davide Maccariello, Carlos A. F. Vaz, Joao Sampaio, Matthieu Jamet, François Bertran, Jean-Marie George, Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo, Phillip Wohlhüter, Nicolas Reyren, Peter Warnicke, Cyrile Deranlot, Serge Gambarelli, Albert Fert, Alain Marty, Christoforos Moutafis
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Spintronics IX.
Popis: Spintronics evolves along new paths involving non-magnetic materials having large spin-obit coupling, typically 5d metals, allowing for example large spin-to-charge current conversion (spin Hall and Rashba-Edelstein effects). These heavy metals have other effects: in proximity of magnetic thin films they can burst out the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction leading to the stabilization of chiral magnetic structures. Another source of recent interest relies on “non-trivial topologies”, either of the band structure of the topological insulators, or of the spin textures in magnetic thin films. We will discuss our recent progress to control the topological textures known as skyrmions in multilayers made of heavy metals and magnetic layers. Aiming at using skyrmions as magnetic bits in “racetrack memory” structures, one of the present challenges is to efficiently move skyrmions with dimensions of a few tens of nanometers. The topology of these magnetic structures imposes peculiar dynamics, interesting both in fundamental and applied perspectives. Simulations indicate that spin-orbit torques, through the absorption of the spin current generated by a nearby layer, should be the most efficient method. The conducting surfaces of topological insulators at which the carriers’ spin and momentum are locked, can display better spin-to-charge conversion than what is found using heavy metals. However, the control of the interfaces is crucial to conserve the Dirac cone and the associated spin-momentum locking. We demonstrate by ARPES and spin pumping experiments how the properties of the α-Sn thin film topological insulator are preserved and can be used for spintronics, maybe to move skyrmions!
Databáze: OpenAIRE