Introducing wireless charging facilities for electric vehicles: the case study of Firenze

Autor: Andrea Meneghin, Riccardo Barbieri, Filippo Benesperi, Gianni Campatelli
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: 2014 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC).
DOI: 10.1109/ievc.2014.7056142
Popis: In a World with an increasing population and related mobility needs, a traditional internal combustion engine based mobility paradigm cannot be considered the only possible solution. This is particularly true for cities full of masterpieces and historical buildings as Firenze, used as case study. Specifically it combines very high mobility needs for tourists and inhabitants with a very high sensitivity to air pollution problems for its artistic heritage. However, the autonomy of the available vehicles is still an issue to be exceeded for a large electric mobility implementation [1]. Within this paper, a structured method to implement static and dynamic wireless charging systems in urban mobility will be presented. The parametric nature of the model is a fundamental feature of the methodology, because makes it easy to be used as a framework for feasibility analysis: the developed analysis could be easily applied also to other cities because the required input are quite easy to be obtained.
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