12 Phylogeny of the euglenoid loricate genera trachelomonas and strombomonas based on morphological and molecular data

Autor: Richard E. Triemer, Stacy Brosnan
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Journal of Phycology. 39:5-5
ISSN: 1529-8817
DOI: 10.1111/j.0022-3646.2003.03906001_12.x
Popis: Since the separation of the Trachelomonas subgroup “Saccatae” into a new genus, Strombomonas Deflandre (1930), there has been some question as to its validity. Deflandre's separation was based on morphological characteristics such as the shape of the lorica, lack of a distinctive collar, possession of a tailpiece, lack of ornamentation, and ability to aggregate particles on the lorica. Recent molecular analyses indicated that the loricate taxa were monophyletic, but few species have been sampled. The LSU rDNA from eleven Strombomonas and thirty-eight Trachelomonas species was sequenced to evaluate the monophyly of the two genera. Bayesian and maximum-likelihood analyses found one monophyletic clade for each genus. The Trachelomonas clade was weakly supported, but had five strongly supported subclades. Morphological characters, such as lorica development and pellicle strip reduction, also supported separation of the genera. Lorica development in Strombomonas occurred from the anterior of the cell to the posterior, forming a shroud over the protoplast whereas in Trachelomonas, a layer of mucilage was excreted over the entire protoplast, followed by creation of the collar at the anterior end. Taxa from both genera underwent exponential strip reduction at the anterior and posterior poles. In Strombomonas, only one reduction was visible in the anterior pole, while in most Trachelomonas species, two reductions were visible. Likewise, Strombomonas species possessed two whorls of strip reduction in their posterior end compared to a single whorl of strip reduction in Trachelomonas species. The combined morphological and molecular data support the retention of Trachelomonas and Strombomonas as separate genera.
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