Estimating the Accuracy Increase During the Measuring Two Quantities with Linear Dependence

Autor: Konstantin K. Semenov, Vladimir Garanin
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Cyber-Physical Systems and Control ISBN: 9783030349820
Popis: Increasing of measurement accuracy is always a relevant goal. Applied to cyberphysical systems, it helps to improve their operation and quality of decision-making. One of the methods to achieve this is to use relations between quantities to be measured – if such relationships exist and are known at least approximately. At present, there are not so many published articles that describe metrological applications which use this kind of information about measured quantities to get a better accuracy. It seems that the small amount of practical realizations is due to the necessity to use rather sophisticated mathematical approaches based on the probability theory and mathematical statistics along with numerous simulations to make a conclusion about the potential increase of accuracy. This paper presents a simplified approach producing a set of clear enough equations and indicators, which are helpful for engineers during preliminary estimation of the potential increase of accuracy from the known interconnections between the measured quantities. A case of linear dependency between the measured quantities is analyzed to show how the approach works.
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