X-ray flux and X-ray burnthrough experiments on reduced-scale targets at the NIF and OMEGA lasers

Autor: Eduard Dewald, Marilyn Schneider, G.D. Power, S. Roberts, J. Emig, Daniel H. Kalantar, J.A. Ruppe, W. Seka, Mark May, P. T. Springer, A.D. Ellis, S. Compton, B. J. MacGowan, Robert L. Kauffman, M. Landon, B. M. Van Wonterghem, Edward I. Moses, M.J. Eckart, Robert Turner, Hector A. Baldis, Dustin Froula, J.R. Murray, B. K. F. Young, J. H. Kamperschroer, Siegfried Glenzer, D. Bower, V. Rekow, D.L. James, J. P. Holder, Kenneth R. Manes, E. A. Williams, G.L. Tietbohl, J. R. Kimbrough, K. M. Campbell, P.E. Young, J.W. McDonald, C. A. Haynam, Otto Landen, K.S. Jancaitis, Christian Stoeckl, S.J. Moon, H.C. Bruns, R. J. Wallace, Franz A. Weber, Ronnie Shepherd, S. N. Dixit, Alice Koniges, Christoph Niemann, David C. Eder, A. J. Mackinnon, P. Watts, C. Sorce, Paul J. Wegner, A. B. Langdon, Robert Heeter, D. H. Munro, M.A. Henesian, R. E. Bahr, R. K. Kirkwood, Denise Hinkel, C.G. Constantin, F. D. Lee, R. Costa, C.H. Still, D. Hargrove, John R. Celeste, A. Warrick, M. J. Edwards, M.S. Singh, D. Pellinen, L. J. Suter, K. Piston, C. Marshall, Jochen Schein, J. Menapace, Vladimir Glebov, G. Holtmeier
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings). 133:1205-1208
ISSN: 1764-7177
Popis: An experimental campaign to maximize radiation drive in small-scale hohlraums has been carried out at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at the Lawerence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, CA, USA) and at the OMEGA laser at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (Rochester, NY, USA). The small-scale hohlraums, laser energy, laser pulse, and diagnostics were similar at both facilities but the geometries were very different. The NIF experiments used on-axis laser beams whereas the OMEGA experiments used 19 beams in three beam cones. In the cases when the lasers coupled well and produced similar radiation drive, images of x-ray bumthrough and laser deposition indicate the pattern of plasma filling is very different.
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