Utilization of the IoT-based early warning system (EWS) for early detection of floods in Setu District, South Tangerang City

Autor: Tjhwa Endang Djuana, Ning Adiasih, Wahyu Sejati
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Community Empowerment. 6:1414-1419
ISSN: 2621-4024
DOI: 10.31603/ce.5484
Popis: Cisadane River is the largest river whose overflow often causes flooding in several locations in South Tangerang City. One of them is located in Pesona Serpong Housing, Setu District, South Tangerang City. The Cisadane Environmental Echo Community (GEMALA) is a community that cares about the sustainability of the Cisadane River. This community service aims to improve understanding of river maintenance and socialize the IoT-based Early Warning System (EWS) tool to the GEMALA community as an early flood detection tool. The method used is to use an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 which will measure the water level of the river and will send a signal via the Telegram messaging application. At the end of this activity, an IoT-based Early Warning System (EWS) tool was produced that could be utilized by the GEMALA community as an early flood detection tool.
Databáze: OpenAIRE