Using genetic algorithms for radar waveform selection

Autor: Gerard T. Capraro, I. Bradaric, Tsu Kong Lue, C.T. Capraro
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: 2008 IEEE Radar Conference.
DOI: 10.1109/radar.2008.4720947
Popis: Genetic algorithms have proven to be useful tools in optimizing complex problems with large solution spaces. Radar waveform selection is a challenging problem that may benefit from the use of genetic algorithms. Furthermore, advances in the areas of waveform diversity, multistatic radars and knowledge-aided radars are making waveform selection even more challenging. As a design tool we used genetic algorithms to perform waveform selection utilizing the autocorrelation and ambiguity functions in the fitness evaluation. Monostatic, bistatic and multistatic notional examples are presented and early results indicate that genetic algorithms can provide a useful and effective tool in waveform selection for a variety of radar configurations.
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