A greener method to estimate the risk of acrylamide and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by bread consumption

Autor: Andressa Cunha Lemos, Verônica Simões Borba, Maristela Barnes Rodrigues Cerqueira, Aline Massia Pereira, Priscila Tessmer Scaglioni, Eliana Badiale-Furlong
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: The study aimed to standardize a greener and more reliable method to determine acrylamide (AA) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) in different types of bread and estimate the exposure risk associated with consuming them. Methanol was used for the extraction, Carrez I and II for cleaning the extract. The sorbents and drying step were not necessary in the standardized method, in which the LOQ was 250 µg/kg for AA and 5-HMF; recoveries 71.8% for AA and 80.6% for 5-HMF and uncertainty 0.46, respectively). The method was applied to 30 commercial bread samples. AA levels ranging from 3084.8 ± 225.6 µg/kg to 15918 ±384.8 µg/kg and 5-HMF levels ranged from 275.8 ± 6.75 µg/kg to 1872 ± 45.9 µg/kg. The wholemeal breads were the most contaminated by AA, and the crustless breads were the least, which indicated that removing the crust is a good strategy to reduce exposure to both contaminants. The estimated daily exposure for every bread sample was 10 to 30-fold higher than the international recommendations. In this sense, the role of asparagine, glutamine, glucose, and fructose in the formation of AA and 5-HMF needs to be understood, as well as processing conditions to avoid high levels of these contaminants in bread. After that it will be possible to stablish more rigorous polices for processing contaminants in bread.
Databáze: OpenAIRE