A Rare Case of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex(TFCC) Injury Caused by an Ectopic Bone Fragment between TFCC and Ulna

Autor: Kunio Ibaraki, Yoshisada Shingaki, Fuminori Kanaya, Yoshimitsu Teruya, Takeyuki Miyazato, Kunihiko Uehara
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Orthopedics & Traumatology. 43:426-428
ISSN: 1349-4333
Popis: We present a rare case of triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injury caused by an ectopic bone fragment between the TFCC and Ulna.A nineteen-year-old male, who had susutained a right radial fracture four years previously, had suffered seveve pain onulnar side of his right wrist for one and a half years. X-ray showed an ectopic bone fragment located between the TFCC and ulna.Operative findings were as follows; ectopic bone located between ulna and TFCC, TFCC was thinned to one third of surrounding cartilage over ectopic bone and no bone or cartilage defect was found at distal ulna. Removal of the ectopic bone was performed. Four months after the operation, wrist pain improved and the patient returned to work.Histological specimens showed the bone to be partly covered by hyaline cartilage and fibrous cartilage which were covered by synovial tissue. Pathological findings suggested that etiology of the bone fragment was either an osteochondral fracture or osteochondritis dissecans.
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