Application methodology for REAKT11In this work, we are relying on the results of the KADS-I projects (P1098). In several respects, the KADS approach has evolved in KADS-II (P5248), including the defintion of the knowledge model (Model of expertise). Instead of the four-layer model of KADS-I, KADS-II uses a more complex structure consisting of a three-layer application knowledge model plus a two-layer problem solving knowledge model [Wielinga 93]. Future extensions of REAKT might include this revision. systems

Autor: Roar Arne Fjellheim, Thomas Bech Pettersen, Birger Christoffersen, Andy Nicholls
Rok vydání: 1995
Popis: In this paper, we describe a development methodology for building real-time knowledge-based systems (RTKBS) using the REAKT toolkit. In RAM (REAKT Application Methodology), we attempt to combine elements from three separate streams of ideas: Knowledge based systems (KBS), real-time systems (RT), and object-orientation (OO). The concept of application frameworks for building and reusing real-time knowledge-based systems is proposed. The methodology is illustrated with examples from an alarm handling application at an oil refinery.
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