Біохімічні показники крові свиноматок за профілактики порушень обміну мінеральних речовин

Autor: N.G. Grushanska, V.М. Kostenko
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. 19:71-76
ISSN: 2518-1327
DOI: 10.15421/nvlvet8215
Popis: Of all domestic animals, pigs suffer the most from deficiency of minerals. This is due to the specificity of pig production, feeding technology, retention and anatomical – physiological characteristics of pigs. In order to obtain the best qualities of pig production, it is necessary to make correction the ration for swines of various technological groups using mineral feed additives that take into consideration not only the physiological needs for minerals of the corresponding age groups and classes of swines but also the biogeochemical zone or the province where the farm is located. Also, conditions that accompany the emergence of a mineral deficit are taken into account. The development of new, eco-friendly, non-toxic means of preventing disorders of metabolism of minerals in pigs is a promising direction of veterinary medicine.The research was carried out ont the farm of the Kyiv region (northeastern biogeochemical zone). Biochemical parameters of blood were studied using biochemical analyzer «Labline-010» with standard sets of reagents. The content of chemical elements in water was investigated by the method of atomic emission spectrometry on the Optima 210 DV device.The paper presents the authors’ own research on determining the biochemical status of an organism of lactating sows in the northeastern biogeochemical zone of Ukraine at the prevention of microelementosis using new experimental eco-friendly means.The content of total protein, albumin, glucose, total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, cholesterol, bilirubin, activity of ALT, AST, AF in the blood serum of sows of the northern-eastern biogeochemical zone of Ukraine before and after the application of experimental drugs was investigated. The positive influence of prophylactic agents on the parameters of metabolism of proteins and calcium was defined.In the blood serum of the sows of the first experimental group, 28 days later, the total protein content on 5.3% lower and the total calcium concentration on 16.5% higher than the control group of animals were found.In the blood serum of sows in the second experimental group, 28 days later, the total protein content on 8.3% lower and the total calcium concentration on 19.9% higher than the control group of animals were found.
Databáze: OpenAIRE