Potential of Biochar for Managing Metal Contaminated Areas, in Synergy With Phytomanagement or Other Management Options

Autor: Filip Tack, Caleb Elijah Egene
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: This chapter focuses on the potential application of biochar in the context of risk-based management of land contaminated with moderate concentrations of potentially toxic metals and metalloids. It starts by providing a brief introduction on the chemistry and behavior of trace elements in soil, and moves on to the issues related to diffuse contamination, where relatively low contamination over large areas of land render the use of conventional remediation techniques prohibitively expensive and warrants risk-based land management. After elaborating on the effects of pyrolysis conditions on biochar-sorption properties, interactions between biochar and soil properties are explored. Next, the potential for using biochar in phytomanagement and to control uptake of hazardous trace elements in agriculture is discussed. A final section focuses on the relatively limited field experience that is available today.
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