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Hydrochemical data responds at a much slower rate to changes in groundwater conditions than does the propagation of hydraulic pressure, and therefore may provide more insight to groundwater flow paths. In low rank coal measures, where gas is biogenic, it is important to understand the fluid-rock and microbial interactions that affect the spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater composition. Pressure data may not reflect true groundwater conditions pre-anthropogenic influence, nor does it provide information on the main drivers of groundwater composition, actual aquifer behaviour or even prove groundwater flow. This study uses a process-based approach to interpret a combination of tracer (Cl, C, Sr/Sr, O/O) and hydrochemical data obtained from coal seam gas production wells to identify the main geochemical processes and thus controls on the groundwater composition in different coal seam producing areas of the Walloon Subgroup, Surat Basin, Australia. This is arguably one of the largest coal seam gas producing regions in the world. Tracer data measured in this study show that the Walloon Subgroup behaves as a stagnant aquitard, as indicated by the almost total loss of cosmogenic tracers over relatively short groundwater flow distances (~15 km), suggestive of very low ground water flow velocities. The range of Cl is 9.0 to 23.8 (x 10) while the Cl values across the Undulla anticline in the eastern edge of the basin, are essentially the same (12.2–14.7) within analytical error. It is argued that these isotopic values represent secular equilibrium for the Walloon Subgroup. Radiometric carbon (C) levels across all three production areas (Roma, Undulla Nose, Kogan Nose) are also too low (range = 0.12–1.95 pMC) for viable field interpretation largely owing to the long residence time of the groundwater and the local activity of methanogens. Groundwater flow velocity was estimated to be |