An in-depth analysis of HIV-1 dynamics under distinct HAART regimes via Sturm sequence

Autor: P. Krishnapriya, Pitchaimani M
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.22541/au.164864654.42101676/v1
Popis: In this paper, we propose a model for the dynamics of HIV-1 epidemics under distinct regimes and study the emergence of drug resistance. Our main result shows that the stability analysis for delay differential equation through strum sequence. Under this technique, we arrive at the general conditions on the coefficients of a characteristic equation of degree four, such that it describes an asymptotically stable steady state which becomes unstable as the delay parameter is increased. To apply this technique for analyzing the stability of HIV-1 infection delay model with HARRT regimes. A sensitivity methodology for nonlinear delay systems arising in one class of cellular HIV infection models is presented. Theoretical foundations for a typical sensitivity investigation and illustrative computations are given. Simulations using realistic parameter values are then constructed to illustrate and support our theoretical results. This model provides important insights on how HAART might play a crucial role in the long term behavior of HIV infection
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