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The responsibility of the husband and wife is not only to nurture and educate the child but also to participate in providing guidance on learning. But unlike the community in Ciburial Village many parents are busy working so that the time for the family is reduced especially in terms of the education of their children. In this study, to find out the responsibility of husband and wife to the education of children according to the Marriage Act and Compilation of Islamic Law. And the responsibility of the husband and wife to the education of children in the village ciburial associated with the Law of Marriage and Compilation of Islamic Law. The method used by the author is qualitative descriptive method, this method to understand what phenomena experienced by the study subjects in the form of speech from observed behavior so that this study is correct in accordance with the facts of the field, by interviewing directly with the source. The results of this study showed that the husband and wife's responsibility for children's education in Ciburial Village does not play an active role in carrying out their responsibilities to guide children in learning, because the parents there are busy working, so to guide the child in learning is done by his own child without any guidance. But in Islamic education the parents there have given it well such as telling to pray, recitation and fasting. Abstrak. Tanggung jawab suami istri tidak hanya memelihara dan mendidik anak namun juga harus berperan serta dalam memberikan bimbingan belajar. Tetapi berbeda dengan masyarakat di Desa Ciburial banyak orang tua yang sibuk bekerja sehingga waktu untuk keluarga berkurang terutama dalam hal pendidikan anak-anaknya. Pada penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui tanggung jawab suami istri terhadap pendidikan anak menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Dan tanggung jawab suami istri terhadap pendidikan anak di Desa Ciburial yang dihubungkan dengan Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Metode yang digunakan penulis yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif, metode ini untuk memahami fenomena apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian dalam bentuk ucapan dari perilaku yang diamati sehingga penelitian ini benar sesuai dengan fakta lapangan, dengan mewawancarai langsung dengan narasumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab suami istri terhadap pendidikan anak di Desa Ciburial kurang berperan aktif dalam melakukan tanggung jawabnya untuk membimbing anak dalam belajar, karena orang tua disana sibuk bekerja, sehingga untuk membimbing anak dalam belajar dilakukan oleh anaknya sendiri tanpa ada bimbingan. Tetapi dalam pendidikan agama Islam orang tua disana sudah memberikannya dengan baik seperti menyuruh shalat, mengaji dan berpuasa. |