A Study for Construction of CO2Inventory Using GIS

Autor: Sang-Hak Oh, Eung-Ho Jung, Dae-Wuk Kim, Ji-Won Ryu, Jae-Gyu Cha
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies. 14:40-52
ISSN: 1226-9719
DOI: 10.11108/kagis.2011.14.2.040
Popis: In this study, CO2emission quantities by spatial characteristics using GIS were investigated for building a CO2emission inventory. Eventually, this study provides the guidelines to build the urban spatial structure for reducing greenhouse gas and contributes to the transition to environmental friendly green city. The attribute data for 2011년 3월 18일 접수 Received on March 18, 2011 / 2011년 4월 7일 수정 Revised on April 7, 2011 / 2011 년 4월 13일 심사완료 Accepted on April 13, 2011 *이 논문은 2010년도 한국항공우주연구원 위성정보활용지원운영사업(FR09622)과 한국연구재단 일반연구자 지원운영사 업(모험연구 : 2010-0013649)의 지원에 의해 연구되었음. 1 계명대학교 환경계획학과 Dept. of Environmental Planning, Keimyung University 2 대구지역환경기술개발센터 Daegu Environmental Technology Development Center ※ 연락저자 E-mail : turep21@kmu.ac.kr 지리정보시스템을 활용한 CO2인벤토리 구축 방안에 관한 연구 / 오상학.김대욱.류지원.차재규.정응호 41 GIS were energy (electricity and gas) usage in the city of Daegu for 2009 and used for Tier 1 as suggested by the IPCC guideline to estimate amount of CO2emission. The spatial data were built based on land use types categorized by building purposes with connecting building registers to cadastral maps for Daegu city. Spatial CO2 emission quantities could be calculated by combining CO2emission inventory for energy and GIS. Also, CO2emission characteristics were different by land use types.
Databáze: OpenAIRE