Prioritised Stakeholder Analysis for Software Service Lifecycle Management

Autor: Zhang Xiong, Yuanxin Ouyang, Qinfen Wu, Kecheng Liu, Wenge Rong
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: ICWS
Popis: During the process of building business agility, the concept of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is proposed and widely lauded as an innovative business oriented solution. One of the most fundamental components in SOA based applications is a service, which represents the repeatable business functionalities to help the development of loosely coupled applications. Due to its important role in implementing SOA based applications for achieving dynamic business process, how to build a scalable, reliable service efficiently has become a vital challenge, while the service lifecycle management becomes one of the critical mechanisms to ensure the service quality. Currently, there are a large number of service lifecycle models proposed in the literature to fit their own purposes. However, few of them clearly indicate the integration of the lifecycle processes with stakeholders. To meet this gap, in this research a conceptual stakeholder analysis framework is proposed to associate the stakeholders with different lifecycle stages. It is believed that this method is able to offer the researchers in the community further insight into service lifecycle management from the stakeholder's perspective.
Databáze: OpenAIRE