Effect of Emotional Valence on Emotion Recognition in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autor: Sarah J. Palmer, Adrian Fanucci-Kiss, Ella Kipervassar, Isha Jalnapurkar, Steven M. Hodge, Jean A. Frazier, David Cochran
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
ISSN: 1573-3432
Popis: This study investigated how emotional valence of a perceived emotional state impacted performance on the Reading the Mind in the Eyes task (RMET) in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing (TD) controls. Valence of items on the RMET, Adult (RMET-A) and Child (RMET-C) versions, was first classified in a survey of 113 medical students. Adolescents with ASD (N = 33) and TD adolescents (N = 30) were administered both RMET versions. Individuals with ASD made more errors than TD controls on positive and negative, but not neutral, valence items. The difference in performance was accentuated on the RMET-A compared to the RMET-C. Both emotional valence and complexity of language contribute to RMET performance in individuals with ASD.
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