Myth or Truth

Autor: Robert L. Douglas
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Journal of Black Studies. 19:343-360
ISSN: 1552-4566
Popis: The controversy about North American slavery began early, raged continuously during slavery's practice, and has intermittently risen and subsided since slavery's demise in 1865. Scores of books by both Black and White authors-historians, sociologists, and novelists-have added to the controversy during and after slavery. This material, ostensibly, has been written to answer such questions as: What kind of institution was slavery; what was its economic impact on America; what were its effects on the American personality; was it an evil or a benevolent system; what kind of effect did it have upon the slaves and have its effects been lasting ones on the slave descendants? Among many such works, Slavery by Stanley M. Elkins and The Slave Community by John W. Blassingame are two examples that raise issues concerning certain myths or truths about slavery. Issues promulgated as truths by Elkins when they are continually analyzed by Blassingame are relegated to the realm of mere myth making. The selected issues that this inquiry will be centered on are the slave family, the Sambo personality, and the plantation as a closed system. These issues will be examined within the context of each work cited above, comparing their truth or myth content.
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