Construction of a YAC Contig of 2 Megabases Around the MS1 Gene in Arabidopsis thaliana

Autor: Katherina C. Blömer, Elizabeth S. Dennis, Abdul M. Chaudhury, Leigh B. Farrell, Robin Chapple
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Functional Plant Biology. 23:453
ISSN: 1445-4408
Popis: The ms1 mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana causes male sterility by preventing the development of normal microspores in the developing anther. The gene is located on a region of chromosome 5 containing the RFLP markers g4111, g4560 and g21503. Using yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) libraries, we have constructed a contig of 38 YACs spanning approximately 2.1 megabases (approximately 2% of the genome) around MS1 and redefined the order of these RFLP markers. Chimeric YACs and repetitive DNA caused problems in chromosome 'walking'. A method for cloning YAC right ends by plasmid rescue was applied to arabidopsis. One YAC end contained a portion of the A. thaliana sucrose synthase gene ASUSI, hence locating this gene on chromosome 5 near MS1. Using recombinant plant populations containing ms1 and flanking markers, MS1 was localised to a 200 kb region within the YAC contig. In this contig the relationship between physical and genetic distance varied from less than 100 kb to 720 kb per centimorgan.
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