InNervate AR: Dynamic Interaction System for Motor Nerve Anatomy Education in Augmented Reality

Autor: Michelle Pine, Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo, Tim McLaughlin, Austin Payne, Margaret Cook
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Communications in Computer and Information Science ISBN: 9783030235277
HCI (34)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23528-4_49
Popis: Augmented reality applications for anatomy education have seen a large growth in its literature presence for 3D model education technology. However, the majority of these new anatomy applications limit their educational scope to the labelling of anatomical structures and layers, and simple identification interactions. There is a strong need for expansion of augmented reality applications, in order to give the user more interactive control of the anatomy education material. To meet this need, the mobile augmented reality application, InNervate AR, was created. This application allows the user to scan a marker for two distinct learning modules; one for labelling and identification of anatomy structures, the other one for interacting with the radial nerve of the canine forelimb. The first module matches other existing anatomy augmented reality structures. The second module is unique, because it allows the user to play an animation of the anatomy models, to show what the normal range of motion for the muscles of the limb is, based on the motor innervation of radial nerve. Next, the user can select where to make a cut along the length of the radial nerve, to cause a nerve deficit to one or more of the muscles of the limb. Based on this user input, the application will then play a new animation of the changed range of motion of the canine thoracic limb. A formal user study was run with this new application, which including pre- and post- knowledge assessments. Our initial data analysis showed that qualitative students’ responses and quantitative data were significantly positive. This implies that the application may prove to be educationally effective. We are going to expand the scope of the application based on the analyses of user data and feedback, and develop educational modules for all of the motor nerves of the canine forelimb.
Databáze: OpenAIRE