A neutron diffraction study of deuterium short-range order in VD0.75

Autor: G. Lautenschläger, E. Ressouche, R. Hock, H. Wipf, U. Knell, Hans Weitzel
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 6:1461-1471
ISSN: 1361-648X
Popis: We investigated the short-range order of D interstitials in cubic ( alpha '-phase) VD0.75 by neutron diffraction (room temperature measurements, powder sample). The VDx system is particularly favourable for neutron scattering experiments studying the short-range order of hydrogen interstitials in metals since the coherent scattering cross section of D exceeds the coherent cross section of V by a factor of approximately=300. This allows a data analysis that assumes that only the D atoms contribute to the coherent scattering intensity. The measured diffuse scattering intensity shows a nearly complete blocking of interstitial sites in the two nearest shells around a given D atom, and a reduced occupation probability for the sites in the third shell. The results indicate the existence of a strong short-range and repulsive interaction between the D atoms.
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