Albert of Diessen and the Augustinian Canons at Diessen am Ammersee

Autor: Deeana Copeland Klepper
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Pastoral Care and Community in Late Medieval Germany ISBN: 9781501766152
Popis: This chapter tackles the influence of Albert of Diessen and his work, Mirror of Priests. The work reflects the fusion of monastic and priestly calling embraced by the Augustinian canons regular, reinforced by a distinctive Augustinian approach to education. Moreover, the Mirror of Priests showcases German regionalism since the priest was aiming for priests serving rural parish communities. The chapter expounds on Albert of Diessen's life and legacy, which were preserved through his writing and administrative labors on behalf of the Augustinian canons at Diessen. Built through spatial imagination, Albert's vision of the ideal Christian community as depicted in the Mirror of Priests reflects a constructed religious space.
Databáze: OpenAIRE