The Effect of Flow on Implicit Memory of In-Game Brand Placements

Autor: Snezhanka Kazakova, Verolien Cauberghe, Dieter Thijs
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. III) ISBN: 9783834942906
Popis: The sharp increase in exposure to traditional advertising, its declining effectiveness (Jaffe, 2005), along with technological innovations such as the DVR, have forced professionals to shift their focus to alternative forms of advertising (Bernoff, 2007; Voorhoof, 2007). On a quest to successfully capture the ever more elusive attention of the consumer, advertisers have began to rely on more subtle advertising strategies such as product placement in entertainment media. Product placement is most commonly defined as the ‘paid inclusion of branded products or brand identifiers, through audio and/or visual means, within mass media programming’ (Karrh, 1998: 33).
Databáze: OpenAIRE