Fish Skin Mucus and Its Importance in Fish and Humans

Autor: Devarshi Ranjan, Mayank Bhushan Singh, Priyanka Verma, Anshika Pathak, Shubham Kanaujiya
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 42:34-38
ISSN: 2457-1024
Popis: The fish skin mucus contains innate immune components, secreted by goblet cells that provide the primary defense against various pathogenic microbes and act as a barrier between the fish and its immediate host. The main purposes of fish skin mucus include capturing and eliminating microorganisms. Additionally, a number of substances are found in mucus that support innate immunity, including antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), lysozymes, lectins, and proteases. The study of fish mucus is also expanding rapidly with the advent of high throughput technologies that allow concurrent examination of multiple genes and molecules, resulting in a better comprehension of the elements of fish mucus and its purposes. According to most studies, the mucus of fish skin has antibacterial properties that protect the fish from diseases. Due to these antibacterial properties, fish skin mucus is now being used in human medicine as a cheap drug to combat a variety of pathogens and treat clinical diseases. Seeing all this, today's article is based on fish skin mucus and its importance in fish and humans.
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