Forage Availability and Body Condition Affect Intake of Lupine (Lupinus leucophyllus) by Grazing Cattle

Autor: S. Lopez-Ortiz, J.A. Pfister, K.L. Launchbaugh, C.C. Gay
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: The Professional Animal Scientist. 23:459-466
ISSN: 1080-7446
Popis: The genus Lupinus is an important group of plants with a number of species worldwide that are toxic to grazing livestock. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of body condition and the relationship between forage availability and consumption of lupine (Lupinus spp.) by grazing cattle (Bos taurus). Five cows in low body condition (LBC) and 4 in high body condition (HBC) grazed a common pasture in central Washington, with abundant velvet lupine (Lupinus leucophyllus) during an 18-d grazing period. Cows in LBC and HBC began ingesting lupine on d 1 and 4, respectively. For LBC cows compared with HBC cows, the ingestion rate of lupine was greater (3.2 vs. 2.5 mean bites/min, respectively; P
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