D0 Silicon Upgrade: Ladder Removal Stress Analysis

Autor: John Pawlak
Rok vydání: 1994
Popis: Two different methods will be used to affix ladders to the active bulkhead. Layer 1 and layer 3 ladders will be attached to the active bulkhead using pins. To provide a highly conductive thermal path between these ladders and the cooling channel in the active bulkhead, a small amount of thermally conductive grease will be applied to the bulkhead just prior to ladder installation. Layer 2 and layer 4 ladders will be attached using the same method with the exception that thermally conductive epoxy will be used in lieu of grease. The epoxy is necessary in the outer two layers to maintain barrel rigidity. One major point of concern is the removal of the epoxied ladders. If removal of one of these ladders becomes necessary, it is unclear if the epoxy bond can be broken without damaging the silicon. This report is an attempt to estimate the amount of force necessary to remove a ladder, and the resulting stress that force produces in the silicon. The force necessary to remove an epoxied ladder from a bulkhead is calculated. The resulting silicon stress is also calculated.
Databáze: OpenAIRE