Exp2: Age estimation of persons with masks

Autor: Ozaki, Tsubasa, Tachibana, Taiki, Hashimoto, Kaoru, Sasaki, Kyoshiro
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/67hd4
Popis: Our previous study (https://osf.io/bzrc2) has demonstrated that there were central tendencies in the estimated age of persons with an unwoven mask compared with those without it. However, the stimuli in this experiment contained age cues other than facial features (i.e., hair), and they might mediate the results. To address this, we will use the stimuli, in which a circular black mask concealed most of the hair parts, and conduct a similar experiment to the previous study. We predict that similar results to the previous study will be obtained.
Databáze: OpenAIRE