Pelagic trawl survey in Bulgarian marine zone 2018 Project No BG14MFOP001-3.003-0001, 'Collection, management and use of data for the purpose of scientific analysis and implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy for the period 2017-2019', funded by the Maritime and Fisheries Program co-financed by European Union through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. '

Autor: Violin Stoyanov Raykov, Yankova, Maria Hristova, Ivanova, Petya, Mihneva, Vesselina, Dimitrov, Dimitar Petkov, Stefanova, Kremena, E. Stefanova, Kotsev, Ilian, Dzembekova, Nina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.29443.45609
Databáze: OpenAIRE