Risk-Based Inspection and Integrity Management of Pipeline Systems

Autor: Stefano P. Trasatti
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering ISBN: 9783030580728
Popis: Over the last decade, there has been a substantial increase in construction projects of pipelines for the transportation of several varied and dissimilar fluids, such as oil and natural gas, fuels and chemicals, as well as water to drink or for irrigation. The need to transport fluids over considerable distances calls for carbon steel as construction material as it guarantees the required tensile strength and toughness properties. Also, pipelines can be laid in very diverse environmental conditions and terrains, thus exposing steel to different risks of damage. Since any deterioration of line pipes can lead to leaks or ruptures, that requires the development of an adequate system for control and monitoring of the structural integrity of the pipeline. Existing inspection and maintenance practices commonly applied by most pipeline operators are formulated mainly on the basis of experience. Such procedures are no longer sufficient and quantitatively risk-based methodologies are required. Analytical tools have therefore been developed for several years with the aim, on one hand, of reducing the economic impact of failures and, on the other hand, of limiting the impact that failures may have on environment, health and safety as much as possible. The present article, by evaluating the rationale behind commercially available risk-based procedures and through a critical analysis of the open literature on the subject, intends to highlight limitations and possibilities to improve a procedure of this type.
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