Tillage systems for cotton on Mississippi river delta and loessial plains soils

Autor: R. F. Ford, H. D. Scott, Terry C. Keisling
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 26:441-452
ISSN: 1532-2416
DOI: 10.1080/00103629509369309
Popis: With the economic need for conservation of fuel, equipment, time, and labor, reducing inputs becomes increasingly important. A field experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of cultural practices such as in‐the‐row subsoiling, reduced preplant tillage, and reduced post‐plant tillage on silt loams and clay soils of the Mississippi River Delta and loessial plains. The experiment was conducted at the same sites on four soils for five growing seasons. The yield response of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) to these cultural practices was determined. Minimum seedbed preparation averaged two tillage trips less than conventional seedbed preparation and post‐plant mechanical cultivations averaged 3.3 trips each year. At harvest, no significant difference due to cultural practices were found with plant population, plant heights, or percent lint at first picking. Lint yield differences as influenced by seedbed preparation were nonsignificant. Post‐plant cultivation resulted in 100 kg/ha higher ...
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